Exit Planning

We help business owners leave their companies in their own time, with complete control and maximum value. We help in building transferable value to enhance the final value. Exit Planning is nothing more than good business and strategic planning in the here and now, but with an end date in mind. It’s never to soon to start. We can help get you there.

Exit Readiness >>

Certified Valuations

As a business owner, you know the importance of regularly reviewing and understanding the value of your business. It’s a smart move to check the value of your business every three to five years and to take the steps necessary to increase value, if needed. We provide certified and informational valuations to help you determine the value of your business.

Exit Readiness Assessment >>

Common Questions

What do I do?
We help business owners who are too busy working in the business to be working on the business. We help them prepare their businesses for sale both now and/or in the future. We help them achieve a highly decentralized business so they no longer have to be the center of the business and have every decision flow through them. This equals freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance. We will work together with a focus on growing the business, so the owner is free to make the choice when and if they want to sell it. Our clients build profitable, transferable businesses that are ready for all contingencies, attractive to buyers, and very sellable.

How do I do it?
Using a proven process, the owner and I will evaluate where they are in detail and then begin improving every aspect of the business that a buyer would look at. After completing a simple Clarity Event, a small investment of time each month will create real and measurable results.

What is the cost?
Services begin at a base rate of $8,000 per owner, which may vary depending on the size and complexity of your company. Surprised? Don’t be. Our process is designed, and priced, for Main Street business owners of all sizes. We are committed to providing high-quality affordable services to ensure that our clients receive the best possible value for their investment.

What should you do next?
I’m an easy guy to talk to, and that’s what should happen next. You and I should have a simple conversation. We’ll talk about your business, what you want to accomplish with it, the pain points you need to eliminate and I’ll answer your questions about ways we can work together to create the results you want to see in your business. No obligation, no cost, no hard sell. Schedule a 20-minute conversation.

Want to wait and think about it longer?
Many owners who come to my company are stuck, burned out and unhappy with their business. They find themselves in the “Owners Trap.” Why would you wait to start making the business better? Reaching out is not you saying, you want to sell your business now, it’s you saying you want your business to work better, so you can be ready to sell either today or even never.


30+ Million businesses in operation

20% have a written plan to transition ownership


81% of Owners want to stop working in the next 10 years

100% of Owners will stop being owners at some point